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Capstone Engineering Academy follows the traditional CBE calendar. There are 184 days in our school calendar with plenty of lessons, labs, activities and field trips. We are opening up our registration to grades 5 – 9.

The school will follow the Alberta curriculum and add advanced classes with the Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) subjects focusing on experiential learning, critical design thinking, and problem solving.
Capstone Engineering Academy provides a one-of-a-kind transformative approach to learning. Capstone’s curriculum incorporates advanced STEM learning using critical design thinking, solution based problem solving and new technologies – providing a unique and practical applied STEM education for each student.

The STEM philosophy of continuous learning and global citizenry, is part of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO’s) Futures of Education initiative: “Knowledge and learning are humanity’s greatest renewable resources for responding to challenges and inventing alternatives. Yet, education does more than respond to a changing world. Education transforms the world.” Capstone’s supports this philosophy and encourages students to approach broad ranging hands-on STEM building projects with an inclusive, diverse and challenges-based world focus.

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